Zachary B Fertitta
Zachary B Fertitta
Fertitta Law Firm
3/F 1004 Congress St
Houston TX 77002
Phone: (713) 228-5900
Fax: (713) 228-5901
The Fertitta Law Firm is a Criminal Defense and Personal Injury legal firm based out of Houston, Texas. We represent clients throughout Texas including, Houston, Austin, San Antonio, Conroe, Galveston and surrounding towns. We provide a vigorous defense strategy to those citizens under investigation or prosecution for a criminal offense. For those wrongfully injured we aggressively pursue your personal interest and protect your rights.
Zachary B. Fertitta, a former Harris County Prosecutor and experienced trial lawyer, heads the Fertitta Law Firm. With experience as a trial attorney and having inside knowledge of the prosecutorial process, he can often resolve cases without the expense of going to trial. In the event trial is necessary, the Fertitta Law Firm promises to vigorously defend your rights using our expertise as an aggressive trial firm.
A former Harris County Prosecutor and member of the Texas Bar Association and the Houston Bar Association.
© Copyright Fertitta Law Firm 2009