Richard D Mock
Richard D Mock

Mock and Brown - Attorney at Law
400 S Main
Burnet TX 78611
Phone: (512)756-2931
Fax: (512)756-2933

None of us expect to ever need a criminal lawyer, but sometimes even the most honorable people find themselves in circumstances which require them to seek out the services of an attorney with experience in the criminal law field of practice. Most attorneys do not keep up with the constant changing of criminal laws and rules of evidence necessary to properly represent a person charged with a crime. How is the best way to find an attorney in your area that will best represent you and give you the proper advice if you find yourself or a loved one charged with or under suspicion of a crime. The answer is really pretty simple if you just think about how to find the best of any profession. You should ask an attorney in that area that does not practice criminal trial law and ask their advice for the name or names of a good criminal trial attorney. Ask them who they would hire if they found themselves charged with a crime. Our firm is so confident in our reputation in the Burnet, Blanco, and Llano area that we encourage you to ASK YOUR FAMILY OR REAL ESTATE ATTORNEY ABOUT OUR FIRM.

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