Randy Wilson
Randy Wilson

104 Pine St Ste 106
Abilene TX 79601-5926
Phone: (325) 677-4678
Fax: (325) 677-6129
Toll Free: 1-(800)-588-4678

Randy Wilson, Attorney at Law, is located in Abilene, Texas. Randy provides exceptional defense trial attorney representation to clients throughout the State of Texas. The focus of his practice is on criminal defense, family law, and military court martial defense.

His work extends to successfully trying federal and state criminal cases, civilian and military, complex law cases, and criminal cases involved with but not limited to violations concerning pornography, child pornography, driving under the influence (DUI), drug and narcotic possession as well as drug trafficking, theft, embezzlement, crimes involving assault both physical and sexual, murder, manslaughter, robbery, burglary, forgery, organized criminal activities as well as many other alleged violations too numerous to mention here.

The cornerstone of his success and reputation for excellence is Randy's ability to understand your goals and needs followed by taking every necessary step to achieve just results. When you hire him, you are hiring Randy to act as your attorney. He is accessible, will answer your phone calls promptly, does not limit office visits and will communicate with you through every step of your case. Randy will make sure that you understand what you are charged with, what your options may be, and what risks you may encounter. However, Randy makes sure that you make the ultimate decisions concerning the ultimate outcome of your case.

© 2010 by Randy Wilson Law Offices. All rights reserved.
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