Levi L Spriggs
Levi L Spriggs
The Spriggs Law Office
1011 South Jackson St
Amarillo TX 79101
Phone: (806) 376-7260
Fax: (806) 372-3298
Ronald T.Spriggs and Levi L. Spriggs have been approved to appear and representclients in all of the Federal Courts in the United States NorthernDistrict of Texas, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals and Ronald T. Spriggs is licensed in the United States Supreme Court. Federal cases are complicated. Federal Courts havemany rules and deadlines. Any person who has a Federal case needs tounderstand how the Federal rules apply to their case. The rules anddeadlines are not uniformed for all the courts. There are a lot of differences between the Federal District Courts.
Levi L. Spriggs has tried many cases in the courtroom. But, his speciality is post trial work. Appellant work requires a person who has experience at trying cases and who knows what it takes to win a case.