Donald Moore
Donald Moore
1006 N Bowen Rd Ste 124
Arlington TX 76012
Phone: (817) 459-0007
Moore Law Offices is a firm focused on providing aggressive legal representation to clients who are in need of a strong voice to protect their rights.
Most of the cases we handle have been referred to our lawfirm by other lawyers who are familiar with our reputation, skill and experience in handling large and complex cases as well as our reputation and experience in trial. The majority of our practice involves representing victims and their families who have been injured in various types of incidents.
Donald Moore has experience in defending and prosecuting these types of cases. Donald Moore has worked not only for the insurance companies in defending lawsuits, but has also represented victims and their family members who have been killed or seriously injured as a result of hazing, as a result of 18 wheeler accidents, as a result of drunk drivers and as a result of many other types of incidents. He has also handled many general law cases including criminal law and family law cases.
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